Here are some cool resources for crochet, things like size charts for clothing and design tools. A little of everything is here I guess, just anything I thought I might need some day.
Project Linus- a charity that provides security to children and teens through crocheted and knitted afghans.
Thread Banger- an internet show about fashion from crafted and recycled items
Crochet Terms in Six Languages- great resource for helping to translate crochet patterns
Natural Dyes- have you ever wondered what dyes work well for dying your own yarn?
Native American Finger Weaving- this could be a new craft to take up, or just something to add to your bag of tricks for making things from yarn.
Woolly Thoughts- this is such a neat site about designing, and even has some interactive sections where you can see how different block patterns will look before making them.
The most amazing felting I have ever seen- lifelike felted Yorkies
Making your own Graph Paper for fillet patterns- this allows you to dictate the size and number of squares in each row and column. there is a little of everything here, even links to free crochet magazine offers.
Need Inspiration? Some beautiful examples of Edwardian clothing.
Making Row Counter Bracelets- these make neat and practical jewelry for the crochet addict.
The Daily Crocheter- a nice daily free pattern, but every time I sign up for the Daily Crocheter e-zine, I just get the Daily Knitter.
Books and Magazines:
Leisure Arts- publishers
Tangled- online magazine for knitting and crochet
Crochet!- magazine, they also have a free newsletter you can sign up for
Crochet Me- free email newlsetter on crochet
Crochet Uncut- The Official Unofficial E-zine of the Crochet Liberation Front- Lots of free patterns and articals
Crochet World- magazine
Magazine Values- a neat site for finding the best price on magazine subscriptions of all kinds
Crochet Insider- crochet e-zine
Craft Talk Radio- listen to professional designers and experienced crafters discuss projects and techniques
Create and Decorate- a nice craft magazine that includes crochet as well as painting and sewing
Hooks and Accessories:
Celtic Swan- sterling silver hooks
Brainsbarn Hooks- wooden hooks and decorated hooks
Carved Crochet Hooks- beautiful works of art that have a purpose
Size Charts:
Garment Size Charts- How much ease to add to body measurements to achieve various styles of fit. Infant's and Children's body measurements for specific garment sizes. From various publications, including "My Valuable Yarn Guide" as published in 1995. Misses', women’s, men’s body measurements for specific garment sizes. Adult head measurements for Hats. Approximate finished sizes of hats for premature babies. Standard measurements for blankets, tablecloths, scarves, and more. Chart provided by a shoe manufacturer. Gives shoe sizes based on foot length (but not width), with rough correlation to age. Also includes men's and women's sizes. Sizes for socks, and even standardized sizes for jewelry.
Crochet Yarn Council's Size Charts- what is great is that they give you details on how to take the measurements
Head Size Chart for making Hats
Newborn Size Chart- for those little ones